a simple little zine featuring 6 pen-and-paper drawings of succulents

put together for free digital view using jeremyoduber's EZM Reader

this zine is being distributed under CC BY-SA 4.0 terms, meaning you can modify, print, and sell this zine for profit!

By downloading the printable files below, you automatically agree to CC BY-SA 4.0 license terms in addition to the following: 

  1. You may modify any material in this work with the exception of: the inner cover credit text, the back cover credit text. You may not modify or obscure this text.
    1. You may add your own text or other content to the remaining space on the respective pages including: your signature, social media and store links, a price tag, etc.
    2. You may not modify this zine in a way to promote bigotry and or hate-speech.
  2. Redistribution of the work commercially and non-commercially is allowed. Redistribution of the work in physical paper form is allowed.
    1. Redistribution of the work in digital form is only allowed if significant changes have been made to the work ("digital form" does not apply to online store listings for a physical item). 

Terms are subject to change at my discretion.

If you intend to sell this work at an event (Ex. a Zine Fest, an artist's alley) please check with the staff if you are allowed to sell works made by other people!

Prints at US letter size (8.5in x 11in / 22cm x 28cm), but if there are any problems please let me know!

if you don't know how to fold one-page zines, look up "how to fold an 8 page zine" or "how to make a mini booklet zine" online

questions or concerns can be sent to me via comment below, twitter DM or email (listed in order of preference)

last description update: February 6, 2022. Change: Removed CuriousCat link, added an extra clause about modifications out of caution.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Authorrook ♜
TagsArt Book, zine, zines


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

lilsucculents redistributable.png 166 kB
LETTER_lilsucculentszine.pdf 58 kB
readme.txt 1.8 kB

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